Short Stories and Long Memories
Looking Back at Four Decades of Sailing Adventures, Misadventures and Other Stories Written Along The Way
June 10, 2024It was the first night of the fiesta. Down by the sea the streets of Mazatlan were alive with celebrants. Many had come in from distant villages wearing the distinctive and traditional clothing of their region. Many had come from the United States and countries abroad, all eager to...June 10, 2024We loaded our camera equipment into a rented Nash Ambassador and headed for the lovely State of Mysore. It was a bit crowded with all that gear, the crew, and our new friend Rajan Singh, a highly regarded Indian still photographer. We were in an especially adventurous mood because Rajan had...April 22, 2024James Norris lived alone in a rambling Victorian on Caroline Street, a block from Key West Bight and the harbor. He had purchased the historic old house when he was a better artist than he was now, when his work seemed more natural and elegant, and was much in demand. He had lived in the...More Posts